Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder
In the backtalk's such a large number of terms were being tossed around attempting to clarify what Schizophrenia was. It took till the early backtalk's for a man named Emil Kremlin to really ââ¬Å"discoverâ⬠what the ailment was and unite the prior depictions (Berries, Lulus, and Joss, 2003). . He chose to call it ââ¬Å"dementia praecoxâ⬠which implied dementia paranoids. It was in part taken from latten form off man names Morel (Berries, Lulus, and Joss, 2003).Kremlin had the option to make the disclosure cause he one-sided it on exact perception through watching and recording a huge number of case accounts, at that point by catching up with his patients. He had the option to fugue out the dementia praecox and hyper burdensome craziness had the option to be isolated by manifestation, course, and result (Berries, Lulus, and Joss, 2003). Schizophrenia is as yet one of the most puzzling and costliest mental issue as far as human misery and cultural consumption (van So, 2009 ). In the previous history of Schizophrenia rewarded through cryosurgery.Cryosurgery is the treatment Offs mental sickness through neurological medicines. While is has a disputable history it was broadly utilized in the ahead of schedule to mid nineteenth century. One of the primary records occurred in the mid eighteenth century when a man named Phonies Gage was harmed busy working. A packing iron was shot through the frontal projection while working (Creighton, 2001). While most would figure this would murder an individual, he picked up awareness not long after the mishap. Gage went from being a canny popular man to being a furious and threatening shut in.This left the brain research field on its toes. They understood there was a disturbance in his frontal flap that influenced his soundness, and this could be copied in order to help others. The frontal leucotomy was proposed as a possible treatment for schizophrenia in light of the fact that, by making sores in the frontal cortex, irregular movement, apparently beginning in this district, would be kept from spreading to different regions of the mind, which could intensify the side effects of the malady (Mathews, Wellington, Dead, Robinson, Luck, Jose, and Erich, 2013).During the backtalk's a method was created called the shut lobotomy, anyway by the backtalk's these practices were halted in light of the fact that the medical procedures caused broad cerebrum wounds and the weight of the general population. Schizophrenia was one of the conditions for which these medicines were utilized (Mathews, 2013). At that point the utilization of antispasmodic became effective and these practices were not, at this point required. In the same way as other neuropsychiatry issue, there is a run of the mill beginning time recently immaturity and early adulthood.The believing is this could be a basic period in mental health, which would make the individual powerless against the beginning of psychopathology. While the rate of sc hizophrenia changes across conditions and distinctive vagrant gatherings, side effects, course, and treatment reaction do as such also. Hereditary weakness is shares to a limited extent with bipolar confusion and late sub-atomic hereditary qualities discoveries demonstrated a cover with formative issue, for example, autism.Doctors are utilizing nonrecurring studies to concentrate on this age go, which will thus give supportive knowledge into the real understanding of the sickness (Goat, Was, Taste, Wood, and Panatelas, 2011) There has been proof that patients experiencing schizophrenia wind up encountering more life occasions when sound people. These life occasions could be a direct result of the patients conduct, or absolutely ecological (Farrago, 2008). When taken a gander at these occasions could be a result of the nearness of mental condition. Nonetheless, the nature of collaboration among patient and family influences the patients backslide rate (Farrago, 2008).While a positive and cherishing mentality towards the patient might be profitable, it is in some cases difficult for a family to react well to the disease. On the off chance that the individual experiences suspicious schizophrenia, at that point they will lash out at the family and have pipedreams including the family. This makes it difficult for the family to deal with. Additionally, when the patient goes off medications these things deteriorate. There is so much shame encompassing schizophrenia. Will the individual hurt me? When are they going to go insane? Would i be able to get it? Indeed, even to the point that there is a lower need of emotional wellness administrations and care received.At times there is a difficult time getting great nature of staff to work in these administrations. At that point there is the issue of finding legitimate lodging for individuals who experience the ill effects of this illness, also the social disengagement patients feel. There is a long history of prejudice tow ards mental variation from the norm. Just as the response, others have towards it. This has just logically deteriorated in the course of recent hundreds of years. Anyway this is just piece of he story, dysfunctional behavior has additionally been connected to separation as well.While schizophrenia influences about 1% of the total populace, the reason is as yet obscure (Nines, 2010). The least demanding approach to battle the dread is with instruction. Showing individuals just as families how to deal with a patient, and that they frequently have increasingly clear minutes then not. Bipolar Disorder The old Greeks and Romans were answerable for the terms ââ¬Å"maniaâ⬠and ââ¬Å"melancholia,â⬠which are not the current hyper and burdensome. They found that utilizing lithium salts in there showers quieted hyper patients and lifted there sprits Cranks, 2012).Today, lithium is a typical treatment for bipolar patients. While it is imagined that numerous individuals were execute d on the grounds that they had a dysfunctional behavior, being that strict individuals accepted that these individuals were controlled by evil spirits and ought to thusly be killed (Cranks, 2012). Bipolar is regularly analyzed in youthful patients indicating first significant burdensome scenes. In these cases, determination ordinarily just dependent on mental history taken, not on the patient's present state (Holman, Goth, Wðâ ¶keel, Postal, and Bðâ ¶let, 2008). These patients additionally endure with hypotonic episodes.Hypotonic scenes are described by an unmistakable time of industriously raised, far reaching, or crabby state of mind, enduring all through in any event 4 days and present for a large portion of the day almost consistently. These Patients are typically determined to have Bipolar II (Psych Central Staff, 2013). While Bipolar, or hyper burdensome turmoil is a successive, cut off, for the most part intermittent state of mind issue it is additionally connected with i ncredible grimness. The lifetime commonness of bipolar issue is 1. 3 to 1. 6% (Mueller-Airlessness, Forgoer, and Bauer, 2002). The demise pace of bipolar is a few times higher than that of the general population.On normal around 10-20% of people experiencing Bipolar turmoil will end their own lives, with 33% of patients saying they have endeavored it (Mueller-Airlessness, Forgoer, and Bauer, 2002). Bipolar is certifiably not a misogynist illness, it doesn't separate. Aside from the determination of fast cycling, while at the same time being the most cut off variation of the ailment, it is progressively basic in ladies (Mueller-Airlessness, Forgoer, and Bauer, 2002). The pinnacle time of beginning falls between age 15 and 24 years, in spite of the fact that there is frequently a 5-10-year stretch before treatment is at last sought.Living with an individual who has Bipolar turmoil includes figuring out how to manage the interruptions that their indications can cause, supporting that i ndividual through their recuperation, and discovering approaches to adapt to the consequences for the family (Heretofore, 2013). Bipolar can truly cause a strain on a family, contingent upon all around dealt with the sickness is (Heretofore, 2013). At the point when the patient's emotional episodes are gentle, the family may encounter some misery, yet after some time and with legitimate training about the sickness, they can figure out how to oversee. As per the National Institute of Mental Health, in excess of 5 million Americans eave bipolar confusion (Dickinson, 2007).The disease, which influences not just your very own wellbeing and prosperity yet in addition your associations with loved ones, can react well to treatment (Dickinson, 2007). Disgrace is crippling for psychological instabilities for any illness in all cases. While the patient is battling with the side effects and handicaps that outcome from the ailment, they are tested with the generalizations and preferences that o utcome from the misguided judgments about psychological maladjustment (Shame, Chairmanship, Vivian, and Woolworth, 2013). These individuals face difficulties tit regular daily existence, Jobs, lodging, social insurance, just as managing people.Even the individuals that are family or guardians have announced being demonize, 43 to 92% (Shame, Germans', Vivian, and Woolworth, 2013). Article Journals Summaries Facial articulations of feelings and schizophrenia: A survey. Schizophrenia Bulletin This Journal clarifies how three investigations were performed on patients with Schizophrenia. They were intrigued to perceive how patients demonstrated a diminished capacity to see and express facial feelings. They saw deciphering examines and their capacity to see all around perceived facial expressions.It was discovered that while Schizophrenics make some harder memories showing positive outward appearances, they had the option to show negative feels, for example, dread. Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders in Persons Exposed to Ionizing Radiation as a Result of the Coherency Accident This examination was performed on 100 laborers of the Coherency EX how had functioned as ââ¬Å"Liquidators-volunteersâ⬠for at least 5 prattle's and 1987. This was realized in light of the fact that in 1990 there was a spike in the measure of patients being determined to have Schizophrenia. This was looked at against the general population.The thought was cap ionizing radiation might be functioning as an ecological trigger and making an inclination schizophrenia, or cause schizophrenia-like issue. The examination says that an individual presented to 0. 30 SF or more are at a higher danger of schizophrenia range issue. A Prospective Cohort Study of Genetic and Perennial Influences in the Etiology of Schizophrenia This investigation was pref
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Who Is To Blame? :: essays research papers
All through the Elizabethan Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet there have been key individuals liable for the two youthful sweethearts' demises. The principle purposes behind the passing of these two fine people might be found on the still, small voices of the individuals encompassing them both. It might likewise be the fight. between their families, and the benevolent however confused help of others? Before the entirety of this may by judged, we should think if this was only destiny that carried these two obscene youngsters to their deaths.Before the realities might be expressed, I should initially present the principle individuals that may have powerfully affected Romeo or Juliet. The companions of Romeo, Merutio and Benvolio, are somewhat to fault. Benvolio, the harmony producer, may have attempted to help however in all likelihood he wasn't at fault. Mercutio, the mean prankster, was to a great extent answerable for the passing of himself and Tybalt. Mercutio was the principle explanation behind Romeo's displeasure toward Tybalt. The fundamental individual liable for Romeo's passing was probably Friar Lewernce. He was the individual that took these excessively recently met, indecent youngsters into their marriage. Since the two youngsters were hitched unexpectedly early and at such a youthful age, this made them entirely unfit to settle on their own significant choices. This can be demonstrated about Romeo when he was exiled he cried like a little child. The medical attendant needed to make youthful Romeo act like a man just to consider Juliet rather than just himself. The principle purpose behind the Friar's choice to cause the two to be hitched is on the grounds that this may enable their families to quit battling. At long last this was demonstrated to be crucially the inspiration for the two children to murder themselves.Numerous people were responsible for the demise of Juliet. The primary individuals that were answerable for this incident were the medical attendant and woman Capulet. The attendant, being a bigmouth out spoken individual, was generally liable for her passing. She never recognized that perhaps Juliet wasn't prepared for this enormous of a stage in her life. The medical attendant never assumed any liability for her fatal activities for Juliet. In Act two-Scene four the medical caretaker cautions Romeo to be consistent with Juliet.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Adios, Madrid
Adios, Madrid In a few short hours I will hop on a plane back to the US. I have some very mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I am excited to get back and paint my new room, have fun doing REX stuff, see all my old friends. I am excited for some of the classes Ill be taking, but with classes come psets sothats a wash. On other hand, I am trading Spanish weather for New England weather, and leaving behind a great experience, which is always sad. So here it is, my attempt at some sort of summary of my summer in Spain. It doesnt reeeally say what I want it to, but I did my best. What can I say, I suck at goodbyes. Things I am grateful to Spain for giving me: the warm weather I missed so much in Boston last summer. I am really not happy about trading this weather for a New England winter. I feel sorry for my friends at MIT, Im sure my complaining about winter is going to be much more vociferous this year. fluency in a second language. Dude, this. is. so. cool. I wouldnt go so far as to call myself bilingual just yet, but pretty close. I absolutely love it. Nine years after my first Spanish class in the 7th grade (in which I clearly remember one of the students asking, so, this is going to take forever, right, I mean, dont we we have to learn what every single Spanish word means?), I am really and truly fluent. One check mark for the things to accomplish before you die list. Wee! perspective. Possibly the most important, and the hardest to put into words. I can be a pretty big critic of the US, but being in Spain, and coming to know and love the culture here has made me appreciate my own even more. I used to have the very narrow-minded view that most of the things in my life were just normal or universal. I had no idea how unique certain aspects of my everyday life in the US really were. I expected to come to Spain, love the culture, and reaffirm my belief that the US is boring, too capitalist, etc, and that Americans are just as bad as we sound to the rest of the world, culturally insensitive, unable to pick out Iraq on a map. As Im leaving, I realize that while in Spain, I fell in love with Spanish cultureand the US culture that suddenly revealed itself to me by comparison. Of course, there are things I like and dislike about both, but I never expected this! Then again, if you only ever changed in the ways you expect to changewell, that wouldnt really be ch ange, would it? Now I have a whole new way of looking at the world, full of people who are all the same and yet all different at the same time, and who are all in it together. Yes, its very idealistic, I know. =) An idea about what I want to do with my life. I KNOW! (And just in time, right?) After my previous state of confusion, this is a huge feat. (Sorry, no details yet, this topic deserves an entry of its own!) Things I love about Spain: Retiro Park. The Common is nice and all, but no. I am going to miss Retiro so much. *sigh* alcoholic drinks. Wait, dont judge yet! Let me explain! See, in the US, drinking is usually about getting plastered (among my age group, anyway). You tip your head back and pour down shots of vile liquids that make your throat burn, and I just dont understand it. Anything with fruit juice in it, which might actually make it taste good, is scornfully called a girly drink (dont even get me started about the sexism) In Spain, everyone, males included, think shots are disgusting but sangria is delicious. And while at first I was skeptical about mixing soda or fruit juice with red winedont knock it until youve tried it. I went out for one last drink with a friend from work on Thursday, and he said oh no, its your last tinto de verano! [red wine and lemon soda] Well, you can make it in the US, I guessbut people will probably look at you kind of funny, right? I think thats a risk Im going to have to take. Things I dont love about Spain: baked goods. Seriously, if you want tasty pastries, go to France. I used to be so confused by the Spanish word galleta, which means both cookie and cracker. I was like, dude, what if someone asks you to go to the store and buy some galletas, wtf are you supposed to do? There is a huge difference between a cookie and a cracker! Then I came to Spain and it all made sense. First thing when I get back- eating cookies. the way people walk. Okay, I may not be the biggest fan of New York City, but it does have one thing going for it. You walk down the street in NYC, and everyone around you may be a huge jerk, but they know how to walk! You dont walk 4 people across the sidewalk and block everyone elses passage, you dont walk slowly and stop in the middle of the sidewalk every 5 seconds to look at something in a store window, and you dont stop to chat with the friend you just saw across the subway station half a second after getting off the escalator and cause ten people to break their ankles trying to get around you without setting off a domino effect across the whole escalator. Because if you do any of those things in New York, someone will probably pull a knife on you. But in Spain, all of the above are totally allowed. I will not miss this. leaving it. Id elaborate on this, but it makes me sad. And the past 3 days of goodbyes have been sad enough for me. So I leave this one to your imagination. So, thats it. Now I just have to throw my toothbrush into my bag, and head off to the airport. Twenty short hours from now (ugh) I will be in my new dorm room at MIT, sharing stories about our European adventures with Adelaide and hoping I got back before Shaws closes so I can go buy some chocolate chip cookie dough.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Descriptive Essay - Original Writing - 868 Words
A few days later I get a call from my mom while I write out notes to a song under the tree. I havenââ¬â¢t spoken to my mom since he left. I havenââ¬â¢t spoken much to anyone, really. ââ¬Å"Ella.â⬠She says softly. ââ¬Å"Uhm- Hi mom?â⬠ââ¬Å"Have you heard?â⬠Iââ¬â¢m confused, and she can surely tell by the lack of response. ââ¬Å"Your grandmother passed away today. Iââ¬â¢m sorry, baby.â⬠I let out a long breath, ââ¬Å"Okay.â⬠Before I hang up and rest my head against the tree and shut my eyes. I donââ¬â¢t even want to put my headphones on to escape to another place. Today I am not flying away. I am weighted down by a heaviness that sits in my chest. I keep my eyes closed while listening to the sounds around me in the park when someone sits down beside me. ââ¬Å"Hello.â⬠Gavin saysâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Once I finally find Gavin I make my way over to him. Heââ¬â¢s playing his guitar with his eyes closed like the music takes him to another place. Iââ¬â¢ve never been the kind of person to disturb a person when they look so focused but today I find myself moving to sit down beside him. He continues strumming a beautiful song and Iââ¬â¢m almost too scared to stop him. His fingers move from string to string smoothly while his other hand strums in sync. He looks up from the guitar after I lightly bump my elbow against his and smiles so wide I wonder if it hurts a bit. ââ¬Å"ELLA!â⬠He says surprised. ââ¬Å"uh. Hello.â⬠The lack of music suddenly makes me uncomfortable so I do the only thing my brain can think of. ââ¬Å"Hey. Are you hungry?â⬠I didnââ¬â¢t know it was possible but his smile grows even wider. Twenty minutes later, Gavin and I are lying on my living room floor, passing boxes of Chinese food back and forth to one another. Once the food is finished, we start having random conversations, accompanied by Gavinââ¬â¢s random singing. ââ¬Å"Do you want to be best friends?â⬠He asks seriously. ââ¬Å"Gavin. We hardly know each other.â⬠ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m Gavin, youââ¬â¢re Ella. Thatââ¬â¢s knowing enough, innit?â⬠Looking around the room, I give it thought for a few seconds then nod. ââ¬Å"Okay fine. We can be best friends.â⬠Gavin lets out a little, ââ¬Å"Yayyyyyâ⬠before lifting his hands in the air and clapping enthusiastically. The clapping doesnââ¬â¢t stop for about 3 minutes before I sit
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Good Vs. Evil in Nathaniel Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown...
Good vs. Evil The short story, Young Goodman Brown is a fascinating rendition of the battle between good and evil. The reader must delve into the depths of his/her own beliefs to understand what the symbolism is. Nathaniel Hawthorne writes an entire lesson in life as one big symbol using allegory. The various examples are fruitful and will be presented throughout this essay. First, the main characters name is Goodman Brown. Does this mean something? It seems Nathaniel Hawthorne wished it to be that way. After reading the story, the reader is left with the impression that GOOD-MAN in the focal characters name symbolizes that this will be the good character in the battle between good and evil. Hawthorne begins theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This characters symbol is easy to identify. One must keep in mind that the story supposedly takes place in Salem Village, Englands Massachusetts Bay Colony. However, the statement, You are late, Goodman Brown. The clock of the Old South was striking as I came through Boston; and that is full fifteen minutes agone, points to the fact that the old man has traveled all the way from Boston to Salem in a mere fifteen minutes. This implies there is something rather paranormal about this character. The fact that the stranger knew Browns name also adds to the train of clues. This characters symbolism is further esta blished with statements such as the only thing about him, that could be fixed upon as remarkable, was his staff, which bore the likeness of a great black might almost be seen to twist and wriggle itself, like a living serpent. While the great black snake and serpent are only descriptions of the staff, the words have a deeper meaning and give detail to what the character stands for. The slithering serpent, as referred to in the Bible, symbolizes the sly, sneaky devil. The devil uses his clever persuasion to convince Brown to meet him halfway into the forest. He keeps pulling Brown further and further into the forest, i.e. closer to sin, telling him he may turn back at any time. All the while the devil is describing the sinful doings of the other townsfolk in an attempt to mask theShow MoreRelatedShort Story Analysis: Young Goodman Brown Essay1115 Words à |à 5 Pagesbut none more intriguing than Nathaniel Hawthorne. Hawthorneââ¬â¢s ability to weave stories through the use of complex language and early puritan society narratives has long been a topic of study amongst scholars and young adults, alike. ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brownâ⬠explores the idea of good vs. evil and draws many parallels to the life of Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is often debated whether man is born innately good or evil. In ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brownâ⬠it is possible to see Hawthorneââ¬â¢s stance on this. However, beforeRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown1492 Words à |à 6 PagesIn Nathaniel Hawthorneââ¬â¢s short story of Young Goodman Brown, the author uses symbolism and allegories in order to showcase the Puritan faith as well as manââ¬â¢s conflict between good and evil. This analysis will breakdown the techniques that the author uses to critique the puritan society, and to show the difference between how people appear to be in society and the true colors that they are hidden inside of them. There has been a lot of great authors in our time, but none more interesting than NathanielRead MoreYoung Goodman Brown, by Nathaniel Hawthorne865 Words à |à 4 Pagesthe good manââ¬â¢s heart, whose owner is walking through the sea of dark with an equally, if not more, serpent-like staff carrying dark companion. This respectable man is Young Goodman Brown, as portrayed in Nathaniel Hawthorneââ¬â¢s short story ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brownâ⬠. The forest is only a small part of the setting, as this also takes place in a village in Salem Massachusetts and surrounding area the year 1692. The mood is heavy with superstition, confusion, doubt, betrayal, and shallowness. Goodman BrownRead More Absence of Absolute Good or Absolute Evil in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown1468 Words à |à 6 PagesAbsence of Absolute Good or Absolute Evil in Young Goodman Brown à à à Lo! There ye stand, my children, said the figure, in a deep and solemn tone, almost sad, with its despairing awfulness, as if his once angelis nature could yet mourn for our miserable race. Depending on one anothers hearts, ye had still hoped, that virtue were not all a dream. Now ye are undeceived! Evil is the nature of mankind. Evil must be your only happiness. Welcome, again, my children, to the communion of your raceRead MoreCompare and Contrast Essay1047 Words à |à 5 PagesCompare and Contrast ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brownâ⬠and ââ¬Å"The Lotteryâ⬠By: Melissa A. Reeves Professor Andrew Smith ENGL 102-B46 LUO Thesis Statement The stories ââ¬Å"The Lotteryâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brownâ⬠both appear to show that human behavior and judgment can be flawed, even if the personââ¬â¢s intentions appear good to them. There is a level of fear and underlying evil in Puritan settings in both stories. I. Introduction/Statement of Thesis II. Themes and Authorââ¬â¢s Purpose A. The Lottery Read MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter1631 Words à |à 7 PagesNathaniel Hawthorne is famous for his works that revolve around the Puritan society. The Puritans were very stringent in the way they dealt with rules and ways of life, and Hawthorne does an exceptional job depicting the Puritan lifestyle through his stories. Though many principles from Puritan society has made its way to form the present day American society, Hawthorne might disagree and did not believe that the good attributes originated from Puritan ways. Nathaniel Hawthorne, through the worksRead MoreLesson 1. Brooke White. Eng 2020: Introduction To Literature.1675 Words à |à 7 Pagesconclusion. This affected my interpretation of the piece because as a dream, the piece emphasizes Young Goodman Brownââ¬â¢s distrust and uncertain feelings towards humanity. His dream was created by a subconscious thought that it is a natural instinct for all humans to become evil and impious at one point or another . If I interpreted it as a real experience, it means that I would see all people as naturally evil and impious myselfââ¬ânot just as an idea created by Brownââ¬â¢s mind. Interpreting it as a dream alsoRead MorePoe vs Hawthorne1992 Words à |à 8 PagesBetween Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne Kimberley Prescott LIT/210 08/01/2012 Sherry Salant Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne Popular literature is incomplete without the names of Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne. Both of these authors lived in the same time period, yet lived very opposite lives. In fact, Poe received notoriety for criticizing Nathaniel Hawthorne. (Poe, 1847) In his career, he wrote several critiques of Hawthorneââ¬â¢s work. On a personal level,Read More The Structure of Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown Essay1968 Words à |à 8 Pagesââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brownâ⬠ââ¬â the Structureà à à à à à à à à à à à à Q. D. Leavis in ââ¬Å"Hawthorne as Poetâ⬠mentions Nathaniel Hawthorneââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brownâ⬠as ââ¬Å"essentially dramaticâ⬠: ââ¬Å"The first batch of works I specified [including ââ¬Å"Young Goodman Brownâ⬠] is essentially dramatic, its use of language is poetic, and it is symbolic, and richly so, as is the dramatic poetââ¬â¢s. . . ââ¬Å" (27) This essay will examine this and other features of the structure of Hawthorneââ¬â¢s short story. à Leavisââ¬â¢ evaluation ofRead MoreElements of Fiction in Young Goodman Brown Essays1761 Words à |à 8 Pagesof Fiction are Used in Hawthorns Young Goodman Brown Desiree Terry English Composition II 23 February 2012 Outline Introduction Thesis: Hawthorne uses the Elements of fiction in Young Goodman Brown to depict a story of his familyââ¬â¢s history and religious background. I Hawthorne uses time periods, location and physical structure settings that all relate to the Purity society and his historical family story. A. The first setting in young Goodman brown was set in Salem village. This is
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Qurââ¬â¢an Free Essays
The Qurââ¬â¢an is recognized as the last literal words of GOD given to his people by Muhammad the last prophet, or messenger of GOD (Quran recitations and translation online, 2006-2009). The Quran is without a beginning, middle, or ending, and consists of 114 chapters of varying lengths called ââ¬Å"Suraâ⬠. Each ââ¬ËSuraââ¬â¢ is titled dependant on the message being portrayed (Hooker, 1996). We will write a custom essay sample on The Qurââ¬â¢an or any similar topic only for you Order Now It also reveals the following ââ¬Å"five pillars of Islamâ⬠(Five Pillars of Islam, 2009) or standards that define Muslim religious belief and practice. These pillars are the foundation of Muslim religion. Good introduction and thesis statement. ââ¬Å"Shahadaâ⬠means the acceptance of no other GOD but ALLAH and that Mohammad is the prophet of Allah (Five Pillars of Islam, 2009). This same theme is reinereated thoroughout the Quran is is the single most important basis of Muslim religion. Develop paragraph further. ââ¬Å"Salatâ⬠is the requirement to pray daily starting at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and night facing toward the Mecca. (source? ) This time is seen as a personal conversation with Allah expressing gratitude and worship as well as asking for assistance if needed. It is believed that this practice enables one to remain on a true path of righteousness. (Five Pillars of Islam, 2009) Muslims are seen daily at the Mosques during this ritual prayer but it is not a requirement to pray in a Mosque the only requirement for daily prayer is the area is to be clean. ââ¬Å"Zakahâ⬠or charitable giving consists of two main types. First, there is the kajj, which is a fixed amount based on the cost of food that is paid during the month of Ramadan for the entire family. Make an original title that reflects your thesis statement. This could be very expensive depending on the amount of people in the family and whether or not you included the extended family in the accounting. Avoid 2nd person voice. Second, there is the Zakat on wealth, which covers money made in business, savings, income, and valuables held for longer than one year only as long as the value is greater than ââ¬ËNisabââ¬â¢ (the equilivent of 3 ozs of gold). (source? ) One can always give more in order to obtain a greater divine reward. The following guiding principles should be followed when giving the Zakat: the giver must declare is intention to GOD. It must be paid on the day that it is due, or it is considered the refusal to fulfill GODS wishes. (source? ) Payment must be in kind, wealthy people pay in cash while poorer people can pay in goods or time depending on their ability. And finally the Zakat is always distributed in the community it originated. It is through Zakat that the responsibility to eliminate inequity and ease economic hardship in every community is fulfilled. Five Pillars of Islam, 2009) This practice of distribution in the community at times can lead to inequality when economics of the area are factored in. Fragment- Make topic sentence- ââ¬Å"Sawmâ⬠or Ramadan Fasting. During this 30 day period one must abstain from food, drink, and sexual intercourse from dawn to dusk while being especially mindful of other sins. (source? ) There are three different types of fasting recognized although the act of fasting remains the same. There is ritual fasting, fasting as compensation or repentance, and ascetic fasting. â⬠(source? ) The purpose is to allow Muslims to seek nearness to Allah, to express their gratitude to and dependence on him, to atone for their past sins, and to remind them of the needy. Since there is the fasting in place during daylight hours, some mosques hold early morning breakfast gatherings as well as community dinners at night during the period of Ramadan. (Five Pillars of Islam, 2009) ââ¬Å"Hajjâ⬠or the pilgrimage to Mecca is the last pillar of Islam. Every able-bodied Muslim is obliged to make this at least once in their lifetime if they can afford it (Five Pillars of Islam, 2009). This pilgrimage is not dependant on distance either. If living in the States or even further away it is still an expectation that if able the pilgrimage will be made. The five pillars of Islam are just the beginning of the Qurââ¬â¢anââ¬â¢s foundation for living. The Quran is also a book of wisdom giving inspiration and guidance to the people of Muslim religion. As reported in the Sura 17 ââ¬Å"This Qurââ¬â¢an guides to that which is more right and better. It reassures the believers who do the good that their reward will be greatâ⬠(Topic index of the Quran, 1995-2001). It is filled with reminders of Godââ¬â¢s mercy, blessing, warnings of what will occur to those who do not follow the righteous path, instructions for daily living and also includes stories of ancient civilizations and the lessons they learned (Hooker, 1996). This makes the Quran the bible or words of wisdom followed by all Muslims in the practice of their religion and lifestyles. How to cite The Qurââ¬â¢an, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Terrorism - a Curse for India free essay sample
ViolenceIt is a bit unfortunate that we as a country are facing hostilities from our neighbouring countries since independence. Pakistan since its creation has always harboured terrorist elements against India with an intention to destabilize our country. China the Big Brother supports Pakistan in their endeavour to divide India. We face threats from Bangladesh and from Sri Lanka in the South. Since we have open borders with Nepal, terrorists use Nepal as easy entry and exit points. Our borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh are porous and not fully sealed. We face trouble on the North -East side with China claiming Arunachal Pradesh. These countries hobnob with these terrorists and have helped them to establish their bases from where they can carry out their evil acts. So, all the expertise for planting Bombs on soft targets comes from these countries. But not everything can be done from these foreign bases. So they take advantage of the unemployed youth and others who fall easy prey to their indoctrination and create local groups who ferment trouble in all cities across India. We will write a custom essay sample on Terrorism a Curse for India or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page While many of the educated youth associated with fields like IT openly take part in aiding terrorist activities, it is the uneducated and poor who are always at the front of such battles. Elite people among the terrorists never become human bombs. They hide themselves in safe comforts and incite the less privileged to carry out evil acts in the name of jihad. They take help from some political class and the corrupt officials provide fodder for their entry and exit from India. So as a whole we independent Indians are now on the brink of the largest and most difficult situation ever faced by any human civilization called as TERRORISM. To do away with any problem we have to follow the basic principle of going to its root cause. As we consider terrorism as the worst nightmare of the twenty first century,we better look at its causes for total eradication. Actually no man is born terrorist. A baby is perhaps the best creation of god himself. as he grows up the surroundings and environment around him take the biggest part in building his morality,character and behaviour . No one in the world wants to be a terrorist by passion because homo-sapien is a peace loving, social and noble species by nature. In most of the cases people cant tolerate the growing partiality or discrimination or torture by a government or a particular class of other people. Some people try to adjust with this kind of environment. But a few others who believe in rebellion raise their voices in either ways against the system. Up to this part everything is okay. After a long time of protest,rallies,bands and road-blocks, when they realise that nothing can be done in the path of AHIMSA, that is the time when devil plays its role. Finding no other effective way to achieve the goal they try to follow the path of violence, which is perhaps the worst way to be ever followed. Then comes the scariest face of violence with blast,human bombs,plane hijacks and mass murders etc. Has anyone ever thought what creates a terrorist Has anyone ever tried know what is really going in Kashmir valleys Are our officials or military honest with the people of Kashmir Is everything going on as it is declared by the government Are our plans and strategies really good enough to fight the so called monster of this century If everything is going as per schedule then by now we would have defeated the worst fear of mankind. We always depict terrorist as monsters. but what will you do if your entire family is murdered for some wrong information or by intentionally some bad officials to fulfil their vil desires What will you do if your parents illness needs money and your jobless due to discrimination In some cases people just loose their hope in our law and order system and try to get justice in other ways. most of the time they fall into the hands of really bad people who wear a mask of saints or great leaders. This kind of devils use others in the name of justice and re ligion. Now a days everyone is blaming another one for this kind of inhuman activities. I believe in a simple rule that says: If you dont like a rule,follow it sincerely and dedicatedly,reach the top and change it. By stating this i mean that nothing can be done by it self. We have to fight back it in less provocative ways by ourselves. We can fight external enemies but cant if one in our rooms. So the only way to fight back such situations is to make some real changes in ourselves and our way of viewing others. Unless and until we try to change ourselves personally none can stop this storm of destruction. The process as i speak also wont be effective if not followed by mass numbers. So now its up to in our hands what we can give our next generation : A Beautiful Country or A Nation On The Brink Of Self Destruction..
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Training and Development of Brac Bank free essay sample
As every company has some enclosed information, we got the same response from BRAC Bank as expected. ? Due to a very tight schedule of the HR Manager, we could not get all the information in detail. ? As HR is a very confidential unit of the company, it would not share internal information about this department too. ? As he told us about the training process, some important issues and information are not discussed in the report. 1. 9 Managerial hierarchy: [pic] Chapter 2 Selection: The selection process starts when the BRAC bank authority starts preparation to take interview. The selection process for internal candidates external candidates are different. When bank authority searches for internal candidates, they just make short-list of the candidates who fulfill the criteria of the job the authority think that, this person may be suitable for this position. Here, it is to notify that, internal employees need to have the permission of his/her supervisor to apply for a post. We will write a custom essay sample on Training and Development of Brac Bank or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Then, their CV is rechecked again short-listed. These short-listed employees are notified for viva. They donââ¬â¢t have to give written as because they have already been selected once. Types of tests: For internal job candidates, the bank prepares a viva board consisting three members. One is from the required department, one is from the operation another is from HR department. They tests three types of ability of a candidates. a) Job knowledge: As the candidates are already existing member of the bank, they must have some knowledge about the bank. The responsibilities, environment, rules regulations are also asked in this part. b) Communication skills: In this part, the bank looks at how the candidates can communicate with other employees. ) Judgment skills: To know the intellectuality, swiftness of the work analytical ability, the bank ask question about mathematical or critical question. For example: they want to hire an accounts manager. They asked him that, his salary would be 20,000 Tk. If I give 8,000 Tk. in 500 Tk. note the rest in 100 Tk. note, how many 500 100 notes will be there? The faster the candidate answers the question the faster is intellectual. After the test, the selected candidates are sent to ââ¬Å"Medinovaâ⬠for their medical checkup. BRAC bank has 4-5 medical tests for them. They have to do the test with their own money. Then, a offer letter is sent to those who are medically fit. Past life analysis: There is a gap in between providing an offer letter joining letter. In the mean time, the company analyzes the selected candidateââ¬â¢s past life, academic certificates, references. They also analyze the KPI of the individual candidates which shows the performance ability that the person has to do a certain job. If anything is found wrong, the employee is terminated from the job. 1. External candidates: For the external candidates, the bank has three type of selection process for three different types of level. ) Entry level positions: For the entry level position, the bank generally prefers external candidates. When they find a huge number of applications for the job, they start to listing out the applications that fulfill their requirements. Then they call them for a written examination. The examination is taken on MCQ it takes one hour. The written exam contains English language, mathematics s ome analytical abilities. Then evaluating their exam paper, the candidates are again short-listed then they are called for a viva. There they are asked questions to know their ability knowledge. Generally, they are taken aptitude test, intelligence test achievement test. The selected candidates here again sent to Medi-nova for their medical test finally those who can cross the entire ropeway are given offer letter. Then their past life analysis go on later, the effective true candidates are given joining letter. The process in short can be described like below: [pic] b) Mid-level position: For mid level positions, the bank prefers direct preliminary interview. In the interview, they ask job related questions. From them, they select employee send them into 2nd interview. After that they have final interview in which they faces the board of directors. If they can make them impress, they are the newly joined mid level managers. c) Top level position: For the top level positions, the bank takes help of head hunters. The head hunter gives the resumes of interested employees after that they are called for a viva. The viva board consists of AVP, VP, MD two senior member of the board of director. Chapter 3 ââ¬Å"Training and development Process of BRAC Bankâ⬠The training and development process of BRAC bank is divided into three parts. They are: â⬠¢ Orientation training â⬠¢ Job specific training â⬠¢ Need base training BRAC Bank Training Orientation Job specific Need base Training training training Orientation training: Orientation training is the training for the new blood. We found that this training is basically given to make employees get used to the environment, strategy, methods, organization goal; working process etc. The training system for this kind of training can be divided into some parts. After receiving selected participant list, the bank designs the tentative training schedule in four stages. They are: â⬠¢ Induction training â⬠¢ Core banking training Dept attachment training â⬠¢ Dept attachment training evaluation â⬠¢ Mock test Then they communicate with resources and respective departments accordingly. After they communicate with GA (general administration and IS for all logistic support. This step will be followed collection of training notes and reading materials from resource person. Letââ¬â¢s get a bit descriptive on these points: Induction: This part is completed in 1 day. The induction process is divided into two sessions. At first, all the fresher employees are gathered in a conference room or hall room and then they are introduced and welcomed in the organization. Then they are told about the history of the organization, the culture, the importance of the culture, the aim and vision of the organization, the commitment of the employees and so on. After that a short break is given for refreshment. While this break, experienced employees sort of create a friendly environment to loosen up the tension and nervousness of the fresher. We found that the objective of this step is to make fresher employees know about the organization, their colleagues so that they donââ¬â¢t feel uncomfortable when he or she will go back to his or her working environment. Another motive behind this program is to encourage them to put their maximum commitment for the organization. Core banking training: The core banking system of BRAC bank is run by software named ââ¬Å"Finacleâ⬠. This software controls the core banking of the BRAC bank. The employee has to know how to operate this software. Otherwise, he cannot be engaged with banking system of this bank. That is why after induction process employees are taken to BRAC bank training centre and they are taught how to use this software. It is taught in computer labs where instructor teaches employees how to use this software. The demo of this software is used for this purpose. We found that the objective of this training system is to make employees knowledgeable about this software which is the heart of banking for BRAC bank. Department attachment training: BRAC bank allocates a five day training for this purpose. It means, an employee has the opportunity to observe his or her own department. With this training he or she will be able to learn his or her job responsibility, description, colleagues and so on. We found that this is the process every bank uses to train their employees. It is very traditional and effective method. Here, employee is given the opportunity to observe his or her department for some days. The biggest advantage of this training system is the cost is very low and gives the employees real opportunity to know their work and get accommodate with the environment he or she is working in. In addition to that he or she gets a chance to know his or her job responsibility as well. Department attachment training evaluation: In this step an examination is held to evaluate the employee whether he or she is able to observe his or her department properly or not. An employeeââ¬â¢s own department is in charge for this examination. There is certain mark to be obtained to pass. If an employee is unable to earn that mark then he or she will be given a chance again to observe his or her department for few more days. After that he or she will be recalled to attain this exam. If she or he again fails to obtain that mark, the company will fire him considering that he or she is not egger to learn and is unable to fulfill his or her job responsibility. After the completion of this training, he or she will be appearing for the mock test. Mock test: This training system is inherited from foreign countries. In our country, only BRAC bank offers this training system. This method is held mainly in training centre but sometimes branch offices offer this process on Saturday. Here, among fresher employees, every employee will be performing some variously designated positions of BRAC bank. The experienced employees will act as customers and will be demanding different kinds of services from them. Our finding through this process is that fresher will be scrutinized deeply through experienced employees. The behavior, working capacities, working commitment of the employees is monitored in this process. Sometimes senior employees try to make the employee angry to see how they perform under this tempered situation. Basically it is observed whether the employee is able to hold his nerve while he is performing the job. After the completion of these steps BRAC bank completes their initial training process for the fresher employees to build the basic foundation about their job responsibility. Job specific training: Through working process, sometimes the department realizes that some employees lack some skill for which they cannot perform their jobs effectively. For that purpose they ask human resource department to train the employees to remove their lacking. This type of training is known as job specific training. This training can vary from department to department. Here we believe that basically this is a specialized training system and this kind of training is mainly given to increase only those skills which are absolutely essential for completing their job responsibility. This kind of training is given not only to fresher graduates but also sometimes to senior employees. But this entirely depends on changes brought in the company. Whenever changes occur depending on achieving organizational goal such as computerization, automation, it is necessary to train old people to get accommodate with the change. That is why BRAC bank offers this kind of training system to the employees. Need base training: Need base training is necessary for promotion. Whenever BRAC bank offers a higher designation to an employee for his or her excellence, he has to go through this kind of training system. It is mainly for the experienced first line managers who will go a few steps forward in the organizationââ¬â¢s management hierarchy. The process of job specific training and need base training is very much same. This kind of training is completed in two ways: â⬠¢ In-housing training â⬠¢ External training Training process In house training External training Before going to complete this process, the human resource department has to go through another process named training need assessment. In this step, HRD (human resource department) has to prepare a department wise existing list and their previous year training status. Then they communicate with external training institutes to collect their program offer and then they summarize it. After the summarization of data, they put it in local web. Then they send the list to the respective department heads for identifying the required training for each employee. Then they collect the training need assessment form the respective department. After that they review on PM and compilation. Again they generalize the training requirements. Then they make segment of the required training to be fulfilled by in-house, external and abroad. Then they arrange training as per training requirements of the department. Letââ¬â¢s see how this training is completed; In- house process: In this step at first they get the circulation of upcoming training. They receive nomination of the participants. Then they prepare probable participation list based on nomination. After that they wait for the approval from HoHR(for budget and training). At last final participant list is sent to the participants and all respective concerns. Then they communicate with GS and IS for all logistic support. Not only that, they also communicate with finance for pay order and pay the resource accordingly (in case of external resource). After this is done, they collect training notes and reading materials from resource person. Here they monitor the respective training materials collection from resource person. Then they monitor the respective training program for smooth implementation. They take participant feedback and generate report on that. After that they update training database, personal life and prepare training life. Finally they communicate with supervisor for training effectiveness and evaluation. In house process is the process, which is given within the bank. This process is used mainly for job specification training. This process can be divided into two parts: ? Class room base ? E-learning In-house processing Class room base E-learning Class room base: Class room training is given mainly in BRAC bank training centre. Here the employees are given the opportunity to know theoretically about bank work strategy, dealings with customers. This training is also given to improve English speaking skill through workshop, presentation. The organization has a realistic view on that training. They think most of the fresher employees of our country are capable enough to perform their job responsibility but they lag behind in English speaking skill. That is why besides other training BRAC bank also provides opportunity for employees to practice in speaking English and build their skill on that language. This training is taken mainly by the training instituteââ¬â¢s teacher of different training institutes. The teacher who will be engaged in this type of training will be satisfied by the monetary rewards. But sometimes senior employees become supervisors and train the employees. This is done to minimize the cost of the organization. E-learning: E-learning is the only training method that has been introduced by the BRAC bank in our country and still is the only bank who offers this method of training in our country. The objective of this process is to make everyone aware of all departmentsââ¬â¢ working strategies so that a customer gets the desired answer of his queries form each and every employee. Additionally, an employee will be able to know the real condition of the organization. For that purpose, he or she will be able to design his work strategy according to the benefits of the company In this step, all the information is given into the internet. Employee will be using his ID and password to get this information. After that he will attain an exam on the net based on the information he gets. The entire question will be MCQs. An employee has to get 60% mark to pass this exam. An employee can attain this exam for two times. We found that this training method is very significant for the organization that is why it is told that the employee who appears this exam does not have to work on that day. This is the training method where people have to go outside to take the training. In this process BRAC bank is involved in monetary transaction with many training institutes where employees will go to the training institute and take the training. Training institutes are responsible for providing all kinds of living facilities like food, house throughout the training process. External learning can be divided into two parts; ? Local training ? Foreign training External learning Local training Foreign training Local training: In this step, employee take the training in training institute within the country first HRD gets training proposal from external training institute and then HRD communicates with them for further information. Then they circulate the training proposal to respective concern person. They prepare probable participation list based on nomination. After that they wait for the approval from HoHR(for training and budget). Then they send nomination letter with final participation list to training institute, participants and all respective concern. Communicate with finance for pay order and pay the institute accordingly.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Dispersal Policy Of Asylum Seekers And Refugees Social Work Essays
Dispersal Policy Of Asylum Seekers And Refugees Social Work Essays Dispersal Policy Of Asylum Seekers And Refugees Social Work Essay Dispersal Policy Of Asylum Seekers And Refugees Social Work Essay so their societal dispersion is both a valid and desirable result ( Griffiths et al 2005 ) . By 1990 s the figure of refuge searchers had increased aggressively and public sentiment had turned against them, racialising the issue and labelling them as bogus and undeserving ( Robinson et al 2003 P: 122 ) . They are perceived to be economically motivated. Today in-migration is perceived by many in Britain as a job for our society which stems from a fright of unknown. Refugees and refuge searchers create an unwanted entity of the otherness in the borders of UK. From the minute they arrive they face an unpredictable and frequently sharply hostile local populace with racist political sentiment openly prosecuting in bullying and local imperativeness doing accusals of bogus claims and a drain on national resources ( Pierson, 2002, P: 203, Dobrowolsky and Lister 2005 ) . This othering resulted in prejudiced policies, which lead to the societal exclusion, and favoritism of the refuge searchers, and refugee communities to the extent that their basic human rights have been challenged and their very being has been criminalized ( Dominelli 2002 ) . I think inventing schemes to forestall refugees coming to the state are a menace to the civilization as it violates the basic human rights. The media could be partially to fault for this construct as they frequently wrongly connote that all refuge searchers for illustration, are felons. Glasgow suspended its engagement in the strategy in the moving ridge of imperativeness craze. Media portraitures are frequently confusing and undependable as they represent a glooming feeling about refuge searchers. The media blow up the insecurities of the populace to sale more documents, as they are the lone seeable group in the local communities to fault for the sick wellness of the public assistance system in the state. The y have been an easy mark for all as they are powerless, dislocated, soundless, and do non even holding the right to be here ( Robinson et al 2003 ) . Before 1996, refuge searchers were entitled to utilize the same societal services as the remainder of the population for illustration, if they had had been homeless, they would travel to a stateless individual unit, for support. The conservative Government introduced the refuge and in-migration Act 1996, which meant that refuge searchers were cut off from mainstream public assistance benefits. This left refuge searchers with no entree to services. However, this was against the 1948 National Assistance Act which requires local governments to supply public assistance support to those impoverished refuge searchers. Some local governments started supplying support to asylum searchers and their dependents if they appeared to be impoverished. But, this was done on ad hoc footing and there were no clear guidelines of the local governments duties. In 1999, a new policy had been formulated for refuge searchers and refugees, which is called in-migration and refuge Act 1999. The in-migration and refuge Act 1999 gave the National Asylum support service ( NASS ) the duty to supply services and fitting demands of refuge searchers. This was due to the jobs encountered by the societal policy of UK sing refuge and refugees, the policymakers have decided to set up the NASS in April 2000. NASS was set up to relieve the force per unit area on the LA, and besides to run into the authorities position that entree to societal security benefits creates a pull factor on economic migration. The major function of NASS was to supply support and adjustment for those asylum searchers who are hapless while their claim is still being considered. Individual will be given adjustment in the UK, which is normally located and on a no pick footing. This meant that NASS has the exclusive right to make up ones mind for the refuge searchers will be moved ( Griffiths et al 2005 ) . In 1999 the dispersion policy marked a cardinal alteration in British refuge attack by Introducing new processs for the response and adjustment of refuge searchers pending their claim for position finding in the UK ( ) . Failed refuge searchers are frequently impoverished when support is cut off 21 yearss after a concluding claim for refuge is refused ( Refugee Action 2006 ) . The Red Cross gauge some 26,000 are populating off nutrient packages although the figure could be far higher ( ) . Dispersal failed to alleviate force per unit area on London. It is possible that up to 2/3 of refuge searchers decided to stay in London and remain with friends and relatives instead than take up adjustment in other parts of UK while this does non add force per unit area to lodging, it creates jobs a with wellness and instruction ) . There were many draw dorsums, in the dispersion, as there was miscommunication between NASS and bureaus concerned. There was no sufficient adjustment in the dispersion countries and the whole state of affairs was in shambles as reported by the for illustration, councils did non cognize how many people were sent to them and what linguistic communication they spoke so that they arrange interpreting services. In general, rules of the policy were non efficaciously adhered to. NASS should work closely with other bureaus to organize action to guarantee the presence of refuge searchers do non harm community dealingss. NASS has been criticised by Fekete as being oppressive and institutionalized racism in her study Crimes of NASS : What is so dismaying about the attack of NASS is that they do non see it their responsibility to protect refuge searchers from racial force, or guarantee racial harmoniousness, NASS is likely the lone organic structure in the state with no consistent policies against racial torment and no evident overall scheme to advance good race dealingss ( Fekete, 2001 ) . Since the twelvemonth 2000, the NASS took the duty of refuge searchers to scatter them, wheresoever there is adjustment without sing their civilization, linguistic communication or any single demands. Those who are vulnerable were left without support or information ( Cohen, 2002, P: 119 ) . Cultural minority people suffer from lingual want in countries they are dispersed to. Initially, the thought was to direct refuge searchers to set up communities who shared a common linguistic communication and provided comfort and support. However, due to limited resources and scarceness of adjustment in some topographic points, most asylum searchers were sent to topographic points off from the communities. Interrupting up households and so dumping refuge searchers in sub-standard adjustment in some of our poorest communities was ever bound to backlash. It is a policy that was neither human nor practical ( ) . From 1996 onwards, the duty of refuge searchers was given to voluntary administrations, for case, NASS who dispersed refugees off from their countrymen and households. In so making, their webs are sabotaged and left in isolation where they do non portion any ownership or sense of belonging. They are unable to convey information or achieve fiscal aid from their communities, and that keeps them in a province of tenseness. There are inquiries about the long-run impacts on societal coherence, because constellating can strip these groups of people of incorporating in the community. Besides, constellating led to exigency of Ghettos in disadvantaged countries of refuge searchers. This may in bend hinder refugees future integrating into communities ( The Guardian 2005 ) . In add-on to that, dispersion has led refuge searchers being sent to populate in the really poorest countries where there were big Numberss of people populating on either benefits or in the lowest-paid occupations where they were non merely more likely to confront assaults but were besides twice every bit likely to confront racial torment. More so, the adjustment of these spread people is made with no pick as to the location and anyone go forthing the adjustment offered to them will lose the right to back up. As a consequence, they are will be impoverishment, poorness, development, sick wellness and sometimes decease. Second ; some of them whose claims are still pending are sometimes taken to detainment Centres where they are dealt with viciously with favoritism and maltreatment ( Cohen, Humphries A ; Mynott, 2002 ) . In relation to lodging some private landlords force refuge searchers to populate as a household with people they do non even know. Overcrowding has become an issue for larger households, which are given smaller adjustment. Others return to their homeless charities after neglecting to get by with the state of affairs ( Audit Commission 2000, P: 3 ) . NASS housed adjustment has no legal protection from eviction and the statute law of 1999 deteriorated in relation to lodging conditions for refuge searchers and where by landlords turning richer on contracts in order to suit refuge searchers ( Cohen et al, 2002 ) . One of the worst impacts of the Asylum and Immigration Act is the extension of in-migration cheques to lodging and to all homeless applications. If the Home Office learns that a safety has received public financess, he might lose the right to remain in the state or neglect to regenerate their permission to remain ( Cohen et al 2002 ) . Again, the verifiers are stigmatizing, as they are used in fewer stores and less on public conveyance. Asylum searchers and Refugees who are skilled, experience high unemployment and low wage as there are non as many occupations in rural countries as the metropoliss, and the policy undermine them from their webs that would assist them. As a consequence of this, refuge searchers are discriminated against alternatively of being offered chances and schemes for aid ( Ibid ) . The authorities enterprise towards refuge searchers preserved within the 2004 Asylum Act did non include the kids public assistance or to guarantee that their human rights were thought of. On the contrary, kids of refuge searchers whose claims failed are threatened to be removed from their households due to the powers of this act. A authorities which sets out to do the kids of failed refuge searchers destitute can non earnestly argue, Every kid affairs ( Lavalette and Pratt, 2006, p. 200 ) . It destabilizes the domestic and international human rights committedness and undermines the Third Way aspiration of every kid affairs . The detainment Centres, prisons and enforcement of dispersion programmes together with the 2002 Nationality Immigration and Asylum Seekers Act are all pigeonholing refuge searchers as felons, agree to be dispersed anyplace to acquire support, adjustment taken off them if they try to take, taken in to isolation with high degrees of offense directed to them, deficiency of legal representation. Harmonizing to the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigration: These policies are non merely discriminatory against one of the most vulnerable subdivisions of our community but besides, of the worst sorts of societal technology which is destined to neglect ( ) . More so, the Audit Commission has reported that refuge searchers and refugees get hapless wellness attention though they are entitled to free health care. Some of the GPs have taken their names off the lists as there is a inclination that it might impact on their surgeries. On the other manus, the scrutinies refugees take at ports of entry, have no follow ups due to hapless wellness cheque ups. They are once more registered impermanent which does non let maintaining frequent medical records and can non set their demands into history due to the rights and duties of health care. For case, most refugees experience post-traumatic emphasis upset as they escape. ( Audit committee 2000a ) . The dispersion is reported to hold improved late, but this is down to the NASS working closely with other bureaus like constabulary, landlords, and local councils. They had all been included in the decision making in the country that was to be used, monitored the impact of the reaching of the refuge searchers on schools and other services and monitored community tenseness ( guardian 2005 ) . The policy has some success ; this is evidenced by the larger figure of refugees and refuge searchers in Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester countries, and Birmingham hosts a ample refugee population in Wet Midlands. There has been a corresponding growing of refugee community administrations ( RCO ) in these countries compared to before the dispersion policy of 1999 ( Griffiths et al 2005 ) . In this subdivision the will look at deductions and challenges of societal workers face in their work with asylum searchers and refugees in the context of dispersion policy in the UK are: Social workers undertakings include giving aid and proper attending to these persons and guaranting that they receive the services which are included in the in-migration and refuge Act. NASS is responsible for placing who among the refuge searchers have the right to be given the services offered by such bureau. The NASS should organize with the societal workers, and the members of the question lines to cognize if there are asylum searchers who need aid of the authorities ( Dominelli, 2008 ) . Hayes and Humphries ( 2006, P: 44 ) argue that it is frequently the most vulnerable who suffer from deficiency of extra support ; parents worry for the wellness and wellbeing of their kids . For illustration, a female parent who can non breastfed her kid because she is HIV positive and can non afford to purchase formula milk for her kid. This puts societal workers in a quandary as they are forced to make up ones mind on eligibility based on in-migration position, and the tenseness between societal work values of supplying for those in demand and the demand to except people from services. Social workers are forced to negociate between this function of commanding entree to back up and that of supplying attention. In add-on to that, societal workers working with asylum searchers experience a turning demand for the services as a consequence of new reachings in a period of the budget restraint and their work tended to be dominated by measuring eligibility and supplying for immediate demands instead than a wide societal work function. Social workers need to understand the impact of negative pigeonholing on refuge searchers. Thompson ( 2009, P: 158 ) the demand to recognize the significance of favoritism and subjugation in clients lives and fortunes has been emphasised . As we have seen that refuge searchers will be capable to racist media portraitures and hostile positions from members of the populace, these factors will non assist to incorporate them into the community one time an application has been successful. Thompson ( 2009, P: 18 ) argues that the function of societal work is to lend to societal stableness, to guarantee that the degree of societal discontent does non make a point where the societal order may be threatened . Therefore, it is the function of societal workers to assist asylum searchers to incorporate into local communities and adjust to a new civilization. They will necessitate to assist asylum searchers to go more sceptered as persons and groups so that they can break stand for themselves in the wider community. Empower involves practicians holding to reinvent their pattern and their perceptual experiences of peculiar jobs and solutions ( Trevithick, 2005, P: 219 ) . Social workers were under force per unit area as Social Services are utilizing their already over stretched budgets to supply for refuge searchers. Following the negative media portraitures ; the local populations made the premise that the societal services budgets were drained, non as a consequence of authorities non supplying adequate money, but because of the refuge searchers. A treatment about who pays the revenue enhancements for public public assistance and costs of migration devalues immigrant s parts to economic growing ( Dominelli, 2008 ) . In some instances societal workers were seen as back uping refuge searchers and pretermiting the remainder of the population. The function of a societal worker is to turn to issues of subjugation and favoritism on a day-to-day footing yet their engagement is excessively small. Emphasis on the wellness and public assistance of kids allow societal workers to go focussed on specific issues such as safe instance transportation of unaccompanied refuge seeking kids, while non concentrating on the demands of the vulnerable grownup. ( Hayes et al, 2006 ) . Alternatively of the centralized NASS service proviso, it would be better if asylum searchers could utilize local Social Services squads and benefits offices as these are more accessible. However, limited resources and staffing, the authorities should supply more support within the bing mainstream constructions. Alternatively of developing more societal workers and community workers to back up the refuge searchers, the authorities set up N ASS, whose staff are non trained in anti-discriminatory rules, and had non got adequate experience in lodging and colony issues. NASS work patterns lead to more favoritism and societal exclusion of the refuge searchers. Social workers must seek elucidation within their services refering the issues related to asylum searchers. As the most asylum searchers do non talk English or can non command the linguistic communication good, societal workers should do good usage of reading services and do certain that these services are available for the refuge searchers and able to pass on suitably. Patel and Kelly ( 2006, p:5 ) suggest that guaranting entree to construing services, and more just entree to linguistic communication larning chances, is indispensable for the appropriate proviso of societal attention to Asylum searchers . It is my belief that all human existences deserve regard and self-respect and should be treated will be concern ; nevertheless, looking at the media it is apparent that the UK is fighting to prolong the support required for refuge searchers, which is going a turning job within the UK today. The Human Rights Act 1998 applies to anyone life within the UK s boundary lines irrespective of fortunes or nationality ; until an refuge searcher receives refugee position they are frequently in a province of oblivion and regularly their equal rights are denied. Therefore, anti discriminatory pattern and humanism is critical within Social Work pattern. Social workers should be involved in runing for the rights and guarantee that they are observed ( Dominelli 2008 ) . The function of a societal worker is to adhere to heightening an ambiance of credence, tolerance and equality for all persons no affair what their background is. It is indispensable that Social Workers and those accountable for supplying services and support to the most vulnerable in our society do non lose sight of the fact that refuge searchers, irrespective of their in-migration position, are human existences, with cardinal and basic human rights, demands and aspirations. In decision, although dispersal policies are ever understood as ways of temporarily suiting refuge searchers as they wait for their determination on their refuge claims, the authorities needs to look at things on a long-run footing so that they are dispersed where they are able to incorporate. Therefore, policy shapers should besides believe of the future employment chance and service as they are most of the demands for the hereafter. NASS should work together with bureaus concerned to do certain that refuge searchers are non put at hazard. I have critically depict the policy, explained the deductions of the policy into societal work pattern.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Coco Channel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Coco Channel - Essay Example Chanel's tweezed jacket and skirt, two-toned graceful expression level, dark dress, ensemble adornments and knitted sack with chain strap remain staples in the design pantheon, and contemporary marks present emphases of them season after season. She started Chanel No. 5, denoting the first run through a style creator had forayed into scent. Professional Growth From her first millinery shop which opened its doors from 1912 - 1920, she rose to turn into one of the chief form planners in Paris, France. Swapping the girdle with solace and cool polish, her design topics incorporated straightforward suits and dresses, ladies' trousers, ensemble gems, scent and materials. She received the name Coco throughout a concise vocation as a boutique and show artist 1905-1908 (Chaney 3). First and foremost a fancy woman of an affluent military officer then of an English industrialist, Coco Chanel drew on the assets of these supporters in setting up a millinery shop in Paris in 1910, developing to De auville and Biarritz. The two men additionally helped her find clients around ladies of social order, and her basic caps came to be mainstream. Before long Coco was stretching to couture, working in pullover, a first in the French manner planet. By the 1920s, her design house had stretched extensively, and her chemise set a style incline with its "son" look. Her loose designs, short skirts, and easy look were in sharp differentiation to the undergarment molds prevalent in the past decades. Chanel herself wearing manly garments, and adjusts these more agreeable designs which other ladies likewise considered freeing (Simmons 21). In 1922 Chanel presented a scent, Chanel No. 5, which came to be and remained mainstream, and remains a gainful result of Chanel's organization. Pierre Wertheimer turned into her accomplice in the fragrance business in 1924. Wertheimer claimed 70% of the organization; Chanel appropriated 10% and her companion Bader 20%. The Wertheimer's proceed to control the fragrance organization today. Chanel presented her signature cardigan coat in 1925 and mark dark dress design during 1926. A lot of her designs incorporated a backbone, and didn't change much from year to year or even era to generation. Chanel's own particular lifestyle powered her thoughts of how advanced ladies all around may as well look, act, and dress. Her own particular thin boyish figure and edited hair turned into a perfect, as did her tanned skin, animated lifestyle, and monetary autonomy. All around her profession, Chanel succeeded in bundling and advertising her own particular individual demeanor and style, making he r a key judge of ladies' taste all around the twentieth century. Chanel proceeded to make fruitful searches for ladies through the 1920s and '30s. In 1926, American Vogue compared Chanel's dark dress to that of the Ford dress, suggesting its practical widespread popularity as a design essential. Actually, the notion of the dress suitable for day and night did come to be both a staple for Chanel all around consequent seasons and an exemplary bit of twentieth-century ladies' wear. The fashioner likewise utilized vivid female printed chiffons within her daywear plans (Feifei 16). Night groups accompanied the long thin line for which the planner was known, additionally fused tulle, trim, and beautifying components that mellow and romanticize the by and large
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Mixed Blood Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Mixed Blood - Assignment Example I believe that the writer is right in questioning the existence of the term ââ¬Å"raceâ⬠in our minds. Since most people believe it is a biological entity. However, one must remember that there are no biological tests that can help classify humans into different races. The author puts a question in all our minds but then answers them simply with scientific explanation. He concludes that race is nothing but a fantasy of the human mind. Human beings are one species and therefore can engage in mating. Two people from any part of the world can mate and produce a child who is sterile thereby vindicating that there is absolutely no biological or genomic difference between any races whatsoever. He further explains the origin of man and writes that man originated in Africa from where he migrated to different parts of the world. Genetics plays an important role here since random mutations, genetic drifts and other genetic changes were induced into the genome of man to help him in his survival in different surroundings. The survival of the fittest theory helped Nature select the genetic changes which were best suitable and hence this gave rise to the varying phenotypical features that we find today in different parts of the world. The writer skillfully presents his viewpoint that race cannot and should not considered a biological entity as well since this classification itself is without nay proper basis. Study of genetics can help people understand that the different features that have been inherited as a result of genetic changes are best suited for survival and are not a base for
Monday, January 27, 2020
Sudan and the USA: A comparison
Sudan and the USA: A comparison Sudan and the USA All countries in the world are unique in one way or another. When most people think of Sudan ââ¬Å"the place of my birthâ⬠, they think of the south/north war and the recent genocide claims in Darfur. What many people do not realize is that not all of the countries in Africa are diverse as Sudan. While it does not compare to the USA, THERE ARE FEW DIFFERENCES AND SIMILARITIES BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES SUDAN AND THE USA from my point of view. In fact, this paper will focus on Sudan and the USA in view of their economy, education, and family. The first difference between Sudan and the USA can be traced through their economy. As an example, the USA is a stable, modern nation with a strong economy. The USA has a capitalist mixed economy, which is fueled by abundant natural resources, a well-developed infrastructure, and high productivity. One the other hand, Sudans economy is not good. The aftereffects of the 21-year civil war and very limited infrastructure, however, present obstacles to stronger growth and a broader distribution of income. Sudans primary resource is agricultural, but oil production and export have taken on greater importance since 2000. Although the country is trying to diversify its cash crops, cotton, and gum Arabic remain its major agricultural exports. Sudans foreign debt is exceeding $21 billion, more than the countrys entire annual gross domestic product. Sudans inadequate and declining infrastructure inhibits economic growth. As you can see, there are stark differences between the economies of Suda n and the USA. Another difference between Sudan and the USA is their education systems. To illustrate, in Sudan, the education system is not that good. There are many people who dont have any possibility of going to school due to limited opportunities or lack of money. Schools are clustered in the vicinity of Khartoum (capital city) and to a lesser extent in other urban areas, although the population is mainly rural. This concentration was found at all levels but was most marked for those in situations beyond the four-year primary schools. The north suffered from shortages of teachers and buildings, but education in the south is even more inadequate. On the other hand, in the USA, American public education is operated by state and local governments. Children are required in most states to attend school from the age of six or seven until they turn eighteen; states allow students to leave school at sixteen or seventeen. Small percentages of children are homeschooled. The United States has many compet itive private and public institutions of higher education, as well as local community colleges with open admission policies. Education is often regarded as the key to opportunity, including financial security. Americans take a practical approach to learning, so what one learns outside the classroom through internships, extracurricular activities is often considered as important as what is learned in the classroom. Therefore, lifelong learning is highly valued, which results in many adult and continuing education programs. Americans have many choices in school. They decide their major field of study, perhaps with or without their parents influence, and students even get to select some of their courses. USA and Sudan also share some similarities. Indeed, both gained independence from Great Britain. Sudan declared its independence on January 1, 1956, whereas, USA declared independence from Britain in 1776. Other similarity is how both countries view family and family life. In Sudan, the extended family provided social services. Traditionally, the family was responsible for the old, the sick, and the mentally ill, although many of these responsibilities had been eroded by urbanization. In many cases, however, the burden of these social services normally falls upon the women. Conversely, in the USA, people value their family and the way they live. The main purpose of the American family is to bring about the happiness of each individual family member. The traditional family values include love and respect for parents, as well as for all members of the family. Regardless of nationality, race and religion, we as people must learn to care for one another, appreciate and respect our differences. As we move on to the next century, we are closer than before. Globalization will continue to be a challenge in the new world, and most influential force in determining the future course of our planet. Reference Central Intelligence Agency The World Factbook. (NOV 28, 2009). CIA The World Factbook Publications. Retrieved Nov 28, 2009 from
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Narrator as Literary Device in ââ¬ÅLuck,ââ¬Â by Mark Twain
Mark Twain uses the narrator as a literary device in his short story, ââ¬Å"Luck.â⬠à The author first uses his own voice to give the story an air of authenticity.à He then changes narrators, building on the original air of authenticity to create a second authentic narrator.à By using the literary device of a first person point of view for both narrators, Twain is able to manipulate not only the actions that take place in the story, but he is also able to manipulate the readerââ¬â¢s understanding of, and his or her opinion of, the characters and events in the story. The narrator that an author chooses creates the perspective of the story.à The narrator is rarely synonymous with the author; however, it is not an unheard of occurrence for the two to be identical.à Twain is briefly the narrator of this story, given that he manipulates the readersââ¬â¢ perspective by declaring this story to be a true one and not ââ¬Å"a fancy sketchâ⬠(Twain page). He increases this authenticity by signing his initials to the statement, thereby injecting himself into the action of the story.à Because this practice is not a common one in fictional stories, although it was more common at the time that this story was written than it is now, Twainââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"appearanceâ⬠in his own fictional work gives it a suggestion of being a work of nonfiction. The first person narrator that Twain chooses to tell the majority of the story is ostensibly a unnamed clergyman, formerly a ââ¬Å"cornetâ⬠(second lieutenant) in the British army under a lieutenant-general the first narrator gives the pseudonym ââ¬Å"Scoresby.â⬠à Simply by setting the fiction of the need for a pseudonym for the lieutenant general, Twain has created the suggestion of literal truth for the story about to follow.à The second narrator, however, is an unreliable one. By stating that Scoresbyââ¬â¢s success comes solely from luck, it is clearly apparent that the clergymanââ¬â¢s opinion would differ from that of the lieutenant general.à There is some question as to why these opinions would differ, at least from the clergymanââ¬â¢s perspective.à While it should come as no surprise that Scoresby would certainly prefer to characterize his success as deriving from skill, the clergyman could have one of three reasons for having a different opinion.à All of these reasons extend from his knowledge of how Scoresby came to be a member of the military.à First, it is possible that Scoresby is truly an inept, but lucky, man. The reader is left to reason for him or herself whether Scoresby could possibly be that fortunate.à Twain relies on the knowledge that many people have had surprising luck in their lives, or know of people who have had such luck.à By failing to mention names of actual battles and by failing to provide the ââ¬Å"realâ⬠name of the lieutenant general in question, the series of events might seem plausible. Second, clergyman might be operating from a feeling of guilt that he allowed Scoresby to cheat his way into the military without speaking up about his role in that cheat.à His guilty feelings might color his perspective on Scoresbyââ¬â¢s actual successes.à After all, having gotten into a military school, it seems logical that Scoresby might have learned some practical knowledge and skills no matter how he came to be enrolled. The narrator appears to be unwilling to acknowledge this fact, however.à Finally, the clergyman might be operating from the desire to have his name attached to that of a successful man.à By crediting himself for getting Scoresby into the school while at the same time denigrating the lieutenant generalââ¬â¢s own skills and knowledge, the clergyman makes himself more important in his own military roleââ¬âat least in his own eyes. Twain uses the role of the narrator as a literary device for controlling the readerââ¬â¢s perspective of the subject of the story.à By injecting a first person narrator into the action of the story, Twain creates a situation whereby the readerââ¬â¢s perception is easily manipulated.à Ultimately, however, the reader is left to decide on the authenticity of the story, due to the unreliability of the narrator. à à In the end, the reader must decide on the actual role of both the narrator and of the possible role of luck over the course of Lieutenant-General Scoresbyââ¬â¢s career. Work Cited Twain, Mark.à ââ¬Å"Luck.â⬠à Publication.à City: Publishing House, date.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Personality Profile Essay
In modern business, it is important to have a mindset of sustainability and environmentally friendly business practices. Two fundamental characteristics of an effective and sustainable leadership model are having the foresight of what the company is trying to attain and identifying the worth in the process and supplying the leadership to reach the companies goals. Leadership begins with trusting in the process, and adhering to the steps themselves. The single best way to achieve this is to lead by example. In this paper the author will explain how Marie Ziegler of John Deere help set the company on the path it follows today. Marie Ziegler has set the standard for John Deere and the employees of the company. As the vice president and treasurer for the John Deere Corporation it is within her responsibilities to ensure that the product that they are producing meets and exceeds the standards of the industry. All of John Deereââ¬â¢s products meet the Environmental Protection Agencies (EPA) off-highway equipment emission regulations as of 2011. The regulations set out to reduce the particulate matter in the atmosphere by 90% in addition to reducing oxides of nitrogen emissions by as much as 50% (John Deere, 2012). In one position or another Marie Ziegler has preformed various duties within John Deere since 1978. During this time Marie has grown to know the company and industry well and has helped the company to grow, remain profitable and become an industry leader. The decision to make sure that John Deereââ¬â¢s products met the EPA standards was just another stepping stone towards the goal of being an industry leader. The virtues of a good leader within an effective and sustainable business include vision, values, strategy and systems. Marie began with the vision to achieve a product that met the standard set forth by the EPA guidelines and pushed forward with that goal (Weitzman, H . 2010). Values, values include the practices and beliefs that the company uses to achieve success. These include people, people being the employees of John Deere who treat each other with respect which in turn promotes teamwork and the ability for the company to succeed and grow. Marie recognized that theà customers are the reason a company exists. As a good leader she understood that without customers, there is no need for the products that John Deere provides. The product and the service that any company provides is a direct reflection of the dedication of a company, its values and its employees. The conduct of a business from the president and CEO all the way down to the staff on the sales floor reflects a companyââ¬â¢s values. Strategy is what a leader uses to develop a set of actions to follow that supports long term visions, values and objectives (Desjardins, 2007). Strategy is the crucial aspect for the integrated management system. There are key elements to developing the strategy that surrounds all the health, safety, and environmental considerations required to fulfill the strategic plan. Included within this are the planning process, setting targets and objectives, establishing and environmental policy that backs the vision of the company, contemplating which industry code of practices will be instituted, and defining the framework for communication. When these aspects are combined, they create an environmental policy that states a companyââ¬â¢s base principals and projected intentions for environmental performance. Marie exhibits a take control type personality which is a strong leadership style. As an effective business leader she knows what needs to be done, she develops a plan and sets it in motion. When the EPA established new emissions standards Marie knew how to strategize a plan to implement the changes to John Deereââ¬â¢s production process in a timely manner. This meant that she had to clearly communicate the needed changes to her team of employees to enact the strategy that she developed. Communication is the key aspect to ensuring a plan is enacted properly, effectively and efficiently. One of Marieââ¬â¢s actions as a leader in sustainability was instilling a culture of sustainability amongst her employees by implementing sustainable practices and adhering to those policies herself in order to lead by example. In addition to leading by example she uses clear communication skills to communicate her needs to her employees to ensure her decisions as a leader are disseminated down the chain and that policies are understood by all employees and team members. Marie displays strong leadership skills and knows John Deere inside and out, she believes in the product they produce and this is an important aspect to being an effective leader in sustainability. With the leadership of Marie Ziegler John Deere can setà forth a standard that allows the company to be a leader in green sustainability. The author of this paper tries to uses general management strategies that promote sustainability within the work environment but finds that it can be difficult for an individual to do so considering the following. As an employee of EC3 International, the authorââ¬â¢s duties are usually prescribed by test plans which leave little room to enact sustainable management methods of his own. However, the Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of the Army (DoA) have been enacting environmental standards and practices that promote sustainability and are more environmentally friendly for many years now. The army has most recently switched its primary small caliber ammunition to more environmentally friendly ammunition in order to reduce the negative environmental effects on weapons ranges. Many years ago the DoA along with the Proving Grounds implemented a new policy of no longer indiscriminately firing depleted uranium (DU) tank rounds out on to ranges. The DoA mandated that all DU test rounds must be fired into a catch box that can be cleaned out and disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. In summary as a leader in sustainability within a company it is crucial to lead by example. No manager or business leader can expect his or her employees to conduct themselves in a professional and responsible manner unless they practice what they preach. When a leader takes a shortcut employees take note and will feel that it is not a problem to do so because their leadership does it. Marie Ziegler is an excellent example of how to conduct oneself who wishes to become a leader in sustainability. References DESJARDINS, J. R. (2007). Business, Ethics, and the Environment. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Lomborg, B. (2008). Cool It. New York, NY: Vintage Books. John Deere, Products, (2012). Retrieved August 10, 2012 from Weitzman, H. (2010, Nov 25). Deere counts cost of emission controls. Financial Times Retrieved from
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Search for Truth in Anton Chekhovs The Cherry...
The scholar is engaged in the interminable quest for truth. The knowledge that one can never understand everything makes a person wise. Ignorance is the assumption that one can understand all about the world around them. An ignorant person is so confident they comprehend the truth, that they are blind to the greater truth. Anton Chekhov and Sophocles deal with the idea of this sinful pride that leads to ignorance in their respective works, The Cherry Orchard and Oedipus Rex. In each drama, certain characters are slapped in the face with the truth; the light is revealed. However, these characters make the connection when it is too late. Their destruction is already destined to become a reality, a horrid fate that could have been prevented.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The timing of the chorusââ¬â¢ plea as Oedipus enters the stage clearly demonstrates that Oedipus is the man whom he seeks, the murderer of the king. The truth of the play is revealed, yet Oedipus remains ignorant. Chekhov also makes use of a symbol to represent truth in his play. In The Cherry Orchard, the Ranevskayas are an aristocratic family that squander away their final days at their beloved cherry orchard. It shall soon be auctioned off, yet the family merely sits about and engages in meaningless chatter. They assume that everything shall be taken care of, the way it always has been in their lives. However, there is one man who seems to be above the careless atmosphere that surrounds himââ¬âLopakhin, the hard-working son of generations of peasants. This man of great ambition represents truth. The truth that Chekhov reveals in the play is the emerging changes in the Russian social structure. The industrious middle class is on the rise, and the lazy aristocracy is doomed to fade away. In the end, Lopakhin buys the cherry orchard, which is the ââ¬Å"estate where [his] father and grandfather were slavesâ⬠(Chekhov 366). The cherry orchard was the security, the wealth, and the power of the aristocracy; it is bought by a merchant, the son of peasants. Could the aristocracy not see what was happening, or did they choose to remain ignorant? By constructing summer cottages, the Ranevskaya family could have prevented the loss of the beloved
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